Site-Specific Commissioned Artwork by Lindsey Kiser
Site-specific commissioned artwork is instrumental in fostering an inviting atmosphere, amplifying an organization’s brand, establishing a distinctive visual identity, and cultivating a sense of community among employees and the customers and clients that the organization serves.
Lindsey Kiser may be commissioned to create artwork for specific installations in commercial or private interiors. The artist may be commissioned for any size installation, because she works on panels that may be installed in a mosaic format in large spaces, such as a lobby.
Lindsey Kiser enjoys commissioned work because she enjoys collaborating with organizations to make their specific visual goals into a reality.
Her works are an evocative response to the extraordinary geological forces that govern our planet and the variety of adaptations and designs of the botanical world.
While her pieces develop from her fascination with nature, her artwork also incorporates the natural world itself. She develops her surfaces by applying a concoction of earth-based pigments and inks. The finished result, often includes the removal of portions of the prepared surface with various blades and needles to expose the white clay surface beneath to achieve a balanced array of graduations of textures and forms. Her selective and refined use of gold leaf, which is enduring and catches light, is purposeful in its contrast with the organic layers of powdered charcoal, ink, and soft white clay.
To loan a sample or inquire about commissions, please email the artist at lindseykiserart at gmail.com or call (1) 859 379 5264.

Site-specific artwork for a private residence and commissioned by an interior designer in Cincinnati, Ohio. References available upon request.