Message from the Artist
I am an American visual artist with a home studio on three acres with two ponds in Northern Kentucky near Cincinnati.
Caught in the whirlwind of modern life, the art of being still emerges as a precious gem, often overlooked amidst the clamor of streaming content. The demand for more immediacy and authenticity is ever-present even as we self-select filters to receive news and numb our own personalities and thoughts to fit the identities we’ve chosen. It is in only in a moment of stillness that accurate observations are made in real time. Turning off the deluge of inputs is the atmosphere our brains need to allow our own cross-pollination of ideas.
I make art that requires intense observation of how the light hits every fold and crease in a petal, and the shape, line, and texture of every hair, feather and scale. At the same time, my art requires a lantern-light-like focus to observe the whole of the parts to capture the context of my subject. May it bring you delight and a reminder to create opportunities for stillness.

His & Hers
Wildlife Art by a Southerner for Southerners
FOR HIM: Art that Honors the Hunt
Click here to view and collect wildlife art by Lindsey Kiser, who finds inspiration during trips with her husband and two Brittanys hunting for waterfowl and upland game birds, including pheasants, quail, chukar, grouse and woodcock.
FOR HER: Garden of Wonders
Click here to collect art made by a gardener and bird watcher for gardeners and bird watchers.
Reflecting Nature

Lindsey Kiser
About Lindsey Kiser
I am an exhibiting visual artist, published illustrator, wife, and mother of two darling daughters living on three acres with the sound of spring peepers lulling us to sleep at night and the cackle of geese waking us each morning.
Inspiration comes during long periods of immersion in the outdoors on our front porch observing hummingbirds in action, in the field hunting with our bird dogs, or up a tree in a deer stand on our family farm.
I make art to instigate wonder and contemplation of long-held beliefs from new perspectives. My art stimulates conversation and bridges connections with old and new friends over our shared awe of the natural world.
In October 2024, I was honored by Summerfair Cincinnati, Inc. with the “Aid for Individual Artist Award”, which came with a grant of $5,000. All six winners of this award will have work exhibited in the Summerfair Select Art Exhibition in the fall of 2025 at the Weston in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Also, in October 2024, I was inducted into Kentucky Crafted, a program of the Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, which is supported by state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. As a result, my freshest scratchboard art collections will be exhibited in Booth #122 as part of The Market inside the Alltech Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park March 7-9, 2025.
In April 2024, the board of the Friends of the Boone County Arboretum named me as its inaugural Artist-in-Residence for the next twelve months. (Learn more here). Prints of Silver Jubilee Blossoms, an original oil painting honoring the arboretum’s 25th birthday are available for purchase here and here. Similarly, in May 2022, ComposeArts named me its inaugural Featured Visual Artist. In 2016, the governor of Kentucky appointed me to serve on the board of the Kentucky Arts Council on which I served until November 2022.
Since 2018, I have had solo art exhibitions across Kentucky in an art museum, a performing arts center, a university art gallery, libraries, a non-profit center, and a medical spa. My art has won international art awards and has been exhibited in juried group shows from Laguna Beach, California to New York City to Rhode Island. (Learn more here). Also in that timeframe, I illustrated two children’s books, The Royal Red Bird, written by Angela Rice, a composer, and A-Z for Me!, written by Mitzi Adams.
Currently, my work may be found at ADC Fine Art in Cincinnati, Ohio and Ft. Thomas, Kentucky; the permanent collection of US Bank in Bowling Green, Kentucky; the Boone County Arboretum; and by appointment in my home studio.
I earned my undergraduate degree in fine art with a double minor in biology and chemistry from Georgetown College. I studied 19th Century British art history under the late Ilaria Bignamini, a curator for the Tate, and drawing at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England. Buying into the myth of the starving artist, I earned my juris doctor (J.D.) at night from Salmon P. Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University, while, ironically, supporting myself by painting murals by day.
My art studio is in my home in Union, Kentucky, which is clearly in the South even though it is included in the Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan Area.