Photograph of a beautiful great room with four of Lindsey Kiser's Reflecting Nature acrylic paintings on display


Glimpses of Greatness – Miniature Watercolors of the Rocky Mountains

  • Watercolor painting of a Joshua Tree by Lindsey Kiser
    Joshua Tree II
    Joshua Tree II is an original 6″ x 6″ watercolor in the “Tails California” collection of mini paintings painted on the back porch of a ranch in the oasis of the desert in June 2023. FRAME INCLUDED.
  • watercolor painting of a joshua tree by Lindsey Kiser
    Joshua Tree I
    Joshua Tree I is an original 6″ x 6″ watercolor in the “Tails California” collection of mini paintings painted on the back porch of a ranch in the oasis of the desert in June 2023. FRAME INCLUDED.
  • Watercolor painting of Stillwater Wildlife Refuge, Fallon, Nevada by Lindsey Kiser
    Drive for a Day
    Oasis is an original 6″ x 6″ watercolor in the “Tails California” collection of mini paintings painted on the back porch of a ranch in the oasis of the desert in June 2023. FRAME INCLUDED.

Beauty Underfoot Collection

Reflecting Nature Collection

Reflecting Nature Collection