Art Acquisition Consulting


As your art consultant, I will work with you and your interior designer, if you have one, to select the ideal artwork for your project, vision, and budget.


If any of these describe you, you need an art consultant:

  • Are you new to purchasing original art?
  • Are you overwhelmed by the sheer number of decisions required? (Frame or not to frame? Medium? Size? Colors? Emerging artist? Mid-Career? Investment piece?)
  • Do you need a fresh piece of art for your space and do not know where to begin?
  • How many artists do you know?
  • Are you confident that your new selection go with your existing art collection, furnishings, and wall colors?

As your art consultant, we will work with you and your interior designer, to select the ideal artwork for your project, vision, and budget.

Two-Step Process:

  1. Art consultation service $150 for a single in-person visit within 20-mile radius of our address in Union, Kentucky or $75 for a virtual meeting. Meetings are no more than one hour.
  2. Within an agreed period of time after the art consultation, we will present you with at least three options for your consideration. If the artwork does not already exist, we will recommend an artist and oversee the production of the custom original. No purchase is required.


Lindsey Kiser, founder of LinZ Art Gallery, LLC, has a degree in art from Georgetown College, studied art history at Oxford University in England and worked for fourteen years as an intellectual property attorney.  Lindsey has had the honor of being appointed by the governor of Kentucky to serve on the board of the Kentucky Arts Council. Lindsey will serve as your point of contact to the world of art through LinZ Art Gallery’s proprietary database of galleries and artists. Lindsey will bring her years of networking with painters, photographers, sculptors, and fabric artists to each and every project.

If you want an in-person meeting and you live within a 20 mile radius of Union, Kentucky and would like to pay by credit card, this is your screen for purchasing the $150 in-person art consultation. We will be in touch via email to arrange the meeting at our mutual convenience.