New Beginnings Triptych (ALL THREE)


Three 30″ x 40″ paintings.

  1. IMG_6084

These three 30" x 40" original acrylic paintings by Lindsey Kiser on gallery-wrapped canvas were created for the Art of New Beginnings series that debuted at the Janice Mason Art Museum in August 2019. I created this triptych with a health care facility in mind. As you wait to receive medical care, it is soul nourishing to have something beautiful and positive on which to focus.

Like the caterpillar, the power to change from one state to another resides in each of us, too. It is my sincere prayer that these paintings are a reminder  that a new beginning is just a decision to be made. You can start today and just repeatedly make that decision every day henceforth. You don't have to wait until New Year's. You don't have to wait to receive permission. You don't need another degree or certificate. Start on your new path today.

Art and nature, whether taken individually or in combination, have brought about healing for so many. I hope you decide to have an abundance of both art and nature in your life!

Additional information

Weight5 lbs