What Lies Beneath?


48″ x 48″


What Lies Beneath? is a 48″ x 48″ acrylic on canvas that depicts the outer edge of the wings of a butterfly as the butterfly visits a yellow flower. Through this painting the artist examines our very real yearning to know “what lies beneath?” the natural world. The ultimate aim of careful observation of nature, whether by an artist or a scientist, an atheist or a believer, is to reveal universal truths.

The artist sees the elongated petals from this perspective as a stringed instrument, perhaps a harp, that the butterfly plays. Positioned as the instrumentalist, the butterfly reminds us of the philosophical entanglement of reason, faith and imagination, and the apparent opposition of Instrumentalism and Scientific Realism. At one time, the atom was only an idea that was later proven with enough direct observation of nature. Did it matter that at one time it was just a theory without scientific instruments sophisticated enough to detect its presence? The theory alone was enough to guide us to more capital “T” Truths.

While all knowledge exists and most is not yet discovered, the ideas and theories take us closer to understanding that knowledge is useful in the end to discovering Truth. Even while we must admit we have more to learn than we have so far learned, there is overwhelming evidence of an intelligent creator, i.e., God, in the beauty and purpose behind every physical structure and relationship found in the natural world. For example, if the earth were just a few more miles closer to the sun, life would not exist. For another example, if a hydrogen bond were just a little stronger or a little weaker, life would not exist. (Hydrogen bonds are do the hand-holding between water molecules. Without hydrogen bonds there would not be water tension that provides for the stream of water to transpire up a trunk from the roots to the leaves.)

The artist celebrates the human mind that can conceive of scientific theories, derive experiments to test them, and prove these hypotheses right or wrong.

The artist celebrates how much scientists have learned so far and is excited about the endless possibilities of further basic research.

The artist celebrates the Creator who would give us a mind that, if we are honest, questions His existence at least once in our lives and an imagination to envision His hand in every part of our lives.


Shipping is included for the continental U.S. addresses. However, the painting will need to be taken to a good framer to have the canvas stretched over new stretcher bars, not included. The painting will come rolled up in a Kraft tube. Frame not included.

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