Blue-eyed Mary

5″ x 5″


This 5″ by 5″ original scratchboard  is of blue-eyed marys, one of her favorite flowers. The woods on her family’s farm in Kenton County in Northern Kentucky had the most incredible carpet of blue-eyed marys. My mom and dad nestled six-month-old me into one of those beds of wildflowers and took my favorite candid baby portraits of me giggling as the blossoms tickled my baby hands. Annually, we would pilgrimage to these carpets to ooo and ahhh over their beauty and take family pictures. Even now, years after circumstances had the family sell the original family farm and, fortunately, buy another, we take a pilgrimage to another blue-eyed mary patch we know of on public land and reminisce over days of old.

This scratchboard was rendered first with a sharpened knitting needle onto the surface of the black scratchboard to reveal the soft white clay beneath and then colorful inks were applied to the etching. The process was repeated back and forth until eventually I decided the scratchboard was complete.

Lindsey Kiser is an active member and elected board member of the International Society of Scratchboard Artists.

Click here to learn more about scratchboard.

Additional information

Dimensions25.4 × 25.4 × 5.08 in

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