Snowy Rockies


5″ x 12″

1 in stock


Snowy Rockies is an original watercolor painting by Lindsey Kiser. For any naturalist, hiker, and outdoors enthusiast, (even this Kentuckian by birth and choice!) the Rockies are awe-inspiring. Their very presence is evidence of an ever-changing world. The Rockies thrill, challenge, and inspire.

This original watercolor painting was completed in a limited palette and with minimal brush strokes as a sort of pendulum swing from her rather “maximalist-styled” large scale acrylic paintings of feathers and birds’ nests created with layers and layers of details.  In this period of my life, serenity, simplicity, and peace are needed.

Snowy Mountain Range

Additional information

Weight0.5 lbs
Dimensions25.4 × 25.4 × 6 in

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